Better Business Community
The Steering Committee
Membership has its privileges - namely more business. Trade for your membership and see how you can drive more business in your door by referral and organized bartering. Check out our current membership here.
Buying Power
Why does all this work? Check out this pictorial to see how business comes from a direct relationship with community-minded businesses.
Johnny Caster - Legal Consultant (click for CV)
This web page has been created for the primary purpose of our calendar of events. Check out one of our 7-4-7 meetings to find out how your business can fly!
Your ABC's for Referrals (and Organized Barter)
1. Voluntary and open membership
2. "Every Man/Woman a Sovereign and a Servant"
3. Member economic participation
4. Independent business community
5. Education, training and information
6. Cooperation among Members
7. Concern for community
Happy Neighborhood Project, Founder - Edwin Edebiri, (giving a TEDx Talk here) completed our application to HNP.
Note here Edwin's citation from the Harvard Business Review that Happy Businesses Attract 37% More Customers!
As Members of the HNP, we have taken the pledge:
1) Provide you great customer service.
2) Promote a positive work environment.
Find out more: